
-Bcs we're more than friends. It's family. Because family always stay during good, happy, bad, sad and ridiculous times.
Block B, strengthen up derps! There's no one could ever take you down NO ONE bc you always have the loyal BBCs by your side.
Wipe your tears, BBCs. Because be strong and stay strong are what we need to do now.
B-Bomb's twitter header says : " Seven people together forever" Its hard for the members, their parents and even stardom staffs. We must continue to show our support.
just for once please say that they will always together :')  

 tau ketika aku baca news tentang block b kali ini.. air mata langsung menetes.. belum cukupkah cobaan yg dirasakan oleh member block b. kini mereka harus menghadapi lagi. mereka lah yang selalu membuatku tertawa dan kini mereka merasakan rasanya dikhianati sendiri..
jebal, jangan sampai ada yang namanya pecah belah.. ><



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