Point of view

Hasil gambar untuk half glass of water
Welcome September, welcome rainy seasons...
iam able to feel these kind of feeling again, when the rain is pouring up and the smell of the wet sand is up to my nose.
Btw, about e few weeks ago someone has told me some nice tips and story about his life.
it's about gratitudes.
yups, gratitude is something that i have been missed lately.
i always feel depressed and stressed about everything untill i forgot to say my gratitude to allah.
i forgot that besides that there's alot of good things happend to my life, but i will never said enough nor gratefull because all i always do is complaing and complaining.
so he said that if i want to change my life than i need to change my mindset.
starting from writing down 5 things that makes me happy or something that i should be grateful for. ah you know what i mean lah.
if in one moth i did that, than i will see the differences.
he also gave me one example,
about how someone see something.
when  there's a a glass that being filled only half of it's part,  then there will be 2 point of view.

1st. Someone who said "alhamdulillah there's still half of the water" when he is thirsty
2nd. someone who said "wtf, only half of the waters left"

then you will know which one is feeling more happier.
it makes me realise about how big those mindpower will impact my life.
those small things that makes you more happy, and always feel gratefull.

that's for today, bye


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